Webinar Archive: Ending Mass Incarceration (EMI) Series
Webinar Date: May 31, 2017
The Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Action Alliance has been striving to conduct its work from a racial justice lens for more than 15 years, and has been evolving its practices as it learns. Action Alliance staff member Kate McCord describes the catalyst to this work and offers specific examples of how the Action Alliance’s racial justice lens is reflected in its internal policies and external practices. Kate shares specific examples of how values of racial equity and inclusion are reflected in Action Alliance internal policies, such as through personnel policies, staff development and governance and decision-making. Kate also describes the Action Alliance’s outward-facing work to name and dismantle systemic racial oppression and white supremacy via its communications, policy, technical assistance, training, prevention, and awareness, and highlights lessons learned in the process.
About the Presenter
Kate McCord is the Movement Strategy and Communications Director with Virginia’s dual coalition, the Virginia Sexual & Domestic Violence Action Alliance. Kate has been working on building and promoting racial justice since being introduced to the realities of white privilege and racial oppression 17 years ago through coalition work. Her white ally/comrade efforts have been channeled into a variety of racial justice initiatives over the years, including establishing an affordable housing campaign, participating in a statewide campaign to document racial profiling by law enforcement, developing racial justice learning resources as part of the coalition’s Racial Justice Task Force, and parenting some awesome kids to grow into active anti-racists. In 2007, Kate was honored with the Social Change Award for proactive leadership in promoting anti-racism work by the Women of Color Caucus of the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance. In her current role at the Action Alliance, Kate shapes the coalition’s communications strategies and works to mobilize groups with similar dreams to coalesce and build power.
Suggested Participants
Anyone interested in learning more about why the incarceration rates in the United States are among the highest in the world and about the devastating consequences of this “hyper-incarceration” will benefit from this webinar. This may include community- and system-based advocates, criminal justice professionals, and other practitioners.
Click here to access recording. The PowerPoint (and any other documents from the webinar) is available by clicking here.
But How Do We "DO" Racial Justice?
This project is supported by Grant No. 2016-TA-AX-KO53 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.