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Webinar Archive: Reentry Series



A Woman's Journey Home: Challenges for Reentering Women (April 10, 2013)

Presenter:  Stephanie Covington, Ph.D., L.C.S.W.

While men and women face some similar challenges upon returning to the community, the intensity, multiplicity, and specificity of their needs, and the most effective ways for addressing those needs, are very different.  Read more...


A Second Chance: The Kentucky Domestic Violence Association's Reentry Coaching Project 
May 29, 2013)

​Presenters:  LeTonia A. Jones, MSW, Loretta Gilmore, CSW and Antoinette M. Johnson

This webinar gives an overview of the Kentucky Domestic Violence Association's (KDVA) 2nd Chance Coaching Project, a mentoring project for reentering women.  Read more...


Victimized Again: How the Reentry Process Perpetuates Violence Against Survivors of Domestic Violence (June 5, 2013)

Presenters:  Courtney Cross and Katrina Cheshier 

This webinar focuses on work being done at Our Place DC, an organization that provides guidance and services to help currently and formerly incarcerated DC women craft better lives.  It emphasizes comprehensive social and legal services.  Read more...


Formerly Incarcerated Women Talk about Reentry
(June 19, 2013)

​​Presenters:  Brenda Clubine, Mary Heinen and Antoinette M. Johnson 

This webinar features three formerly incarcerated women who became advocates (for themselves and other incarcerated women) while serving time in state prison, and have continued their advocacy since they have been out.  They talk about strategies and interventions that are most needed by reentering women to help facilitate successful reentry after serving time in prison.  Read more...


When the Battered Mother is Incarcerated: Impact of the Child Welfare System (July 15, 2013)

​Presenter:  Kathleen Creamer

The webinar includes a discussion of federal and state law as it pertains to children of incarcerated parents in foster care, with a specific focus on how these laws affect incarcerated and reentering battered mothers and other parents seeking to reunify with their children.  Read more...


Women at the Crossroads: DV Survivors with Criminal Justice Involvement, Part 1
(September 12, 2013)

Presenters:  Becki Ney and Georgia Lerner and Sharon White-Harrigan

A consistent thread throughout the lives of justice-involved women is trauma resulting from domestic, sexual or other types of violence.  It is critical to understand that women have life circumstances that are unique to their gender that require specific interventions.  Obtaining a better understanding of what contributes to their incarceration is at the core of helping them transition back to their communities, reducing recidivism, and achieving improved outcomes.  Read more...


Women at the Crossroads: DV Survivors with Criminal Justice Involvement, Part 2
(September 12, 2013)

Presenters:  Becki Ney and Georgia Lerner and Sharon White-Harrigan

Histories of economic and social marginality, substance abuse, mental illness, physical and sexual abuse in childhood and/or as an adult (including adulthood abusive families and battering relationships) have contributed to women's criminal justice involvement.  Connecting reentering women with community-based support services designed to deal with their unique challenges is critical to their long-term success. 


Sister Outsider: The Long Journey Home for Incarcerated Survivors of Battering
November 20, 2013)

Presenters:  Sandra Barnhill and April Marie Young

This webinar addresses issues central to a battered incarcerated woman returning to the community and regaining her life.  The presenters offer "real world techniques and solutions" for women who are in the reentry process, their families, and the advocates who support them, which are grounded in personal experience and over 25 years of frontline practice.  Read more...


Reentering and Reuniting: Incarcerated Survivors of Battering and their Children (May 29, 2014)

​Presenter:  Sandra Barnhill

In this webinar, Sandra Barnhill, an attorney and prisoners' rights activist, offers practical steps and actions women in the reentry process, especially those who are survivors of battering, can take to strengthen their efforts to reunite with their children.  Ms. Barnhill's 27 years of frontline practice informs her work and guides her recommendations on family reunification.  Read more...


Justice-Involved Women: Understanding Trauma and Violence (November 12, 2014)

​This webinar is closed captioned.

Presenter:  Dr. Stephanie Covington, Ph.D., L.C.S.W.

This webinar focuses on trauma, both the violence and aggression — including interpersonal and domestic violence — reentering women have experienced as well as when they have perpetrated.  Dr. Covington introduces a new evidence-based curriculum entitled Beyond Violence which is designed for women who are in criminal justice settings (jails, prisons, and community corrections) with histories of aggression and/or violence.  The curriculum addresses the factors that put people at risk for experiencing and/or inflicting violence.  ​Read more...


Her Size 10 Feet Won't Fit Comfortably in His Size 10 Shoes: Working with Reentering Victims of Trauma (June 10,  2015)

​Presenters:  Dr. Renaya Furtick Wheelan and Ms. Petrena Young

The presenters, co-founders of I'm FREE — Females Reentering Empowering Each Other — a Philadelphia-based women's reentry program — run a 6-week program at Philadelphia's jail called Transforming One Woman at a Time:  Reintegration Support (T1W).  They discuss why they developed a gender-responsive and trauma-informed program, the philosophy that guides their program, the impact of trauma on group participants (including pathways to being arrested), and lessons learned.   Read more...


Violence, Trauma, and Reentering Women Living with HIV: Issues to Consider (November 5, 2015)

Presenters:  Elisabeth Long and Teresa Sullivan

The speakers address fundamental issues that underlie the challenges of working with reentering women who are living with HIV, including the connections between violence and trauma and increased vulnerabilities for women living with HIV.  Read more...


Changes from the Inside Out: Yoga and Meditation with Incarcerated Individuals (November 9, 2015)

Presenters:  Sue Julian and Barbara Steinke

Sue Julian and Barbara Steinke, founders of Laotong Yoga, Inc. in  Charleston, WV, Laotong Yoga, Inc., started the Laotong Prison Project, bringing mindfulness practices into the only women's prison in West Virginia.  Since 2014, they have also been guiding classes at a maximum security prison for men.  This webinar discusses their work, their process, and lessons learned.  Read more...


Parole, Part 1: What You Need to Know About Parole (October 18, 2016)

Presenters:  Leigh Goodmark and Lila Meadows

In this two-webinar series, advocates are introduced to the parole process, with special attention to working with survivors of abuse who are seeking parole. The first webinar covers the basics of the parole process. Read more...


Parole, Part 2: How to Prepare a Client for Parole (November 1, 2016)

Presenters:  Leigh Goodmark and Lila Meadows

In this two-webinar series, advocates are introduced to the parole process, with special attention to working with survivors of abuse who are seeking parole. This second webinar focuses on the nuts and bolts of preparation.  Read more...


National Defense Center for Criminalized Survivors

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St Paul, MN 55104

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